Starbucks Magical Unicorn Drink – Is it worth the Hype?

Tory Burch Sandals // Cutoff Shorts // Free People Top // BP Shades
If you haven’t heard about Starbucks newly released unicorn drink, are wondering if it’s real, or wondering how it tastes, I’ve got the low down for you! Here’s everything you need to know about this mystical drink – and if you should get it!
What is it?
The Unicorn Frappuccino blended creme beverage is 410 calories, 16 grams of fat, and 59 grams of sugar of pure sweet and sour explosion. My husband tried it and described it as a pixie stick on steroids, and I whole-heartly agree. Its a mix of blues and pinks, and when it melts together appears purple, with loads of whipped cream and sparkly sugar on top.
When can you get it?
Starbucks, duh! But not for long. Today is the first day of the launch, and it’s only here for a few DAYS. I think it’s definitely worth a try if you’re ok with sweet, and bursts of sour candy like syrup. It’s a true showstopper in appearance.
What does it really taste like?
At first, it tastes similarly to the vanilla creme frappe, which I always thought tasted a bit like vanilla ice cream! There are swirls of pink (sweet) and blue (sour) that throw your mouth for a loop when the random flavors hit your mouth. The drink consists of vanilla syrup, mango syrup, a blue drizzle which is made of a white mocha sauce, their classic syrup, pink powder, and sour blue powder. It truly tastes like liquid candy, some of those sips tasting like your favorite sour candy.
Would I get it again?
It’s a sweet treat. It doesn’t not have any kind of coffee, and its full of sugar and calories. I didn’t dislike it, but if I was craving something sweet and needed a burst of sugar- this would for sure hit the spot. It’s the most photogenic drink I’ve ever seen, but with all the strong and different tastes happening within this drink, you’ll have to see for yourself! That all being said – I think one is enough for me 🙂
If you know me at all, you know I love my Starbucks. My husband was ahead of the game and surprised me with this on his lunch break on it’s first available day. While I’m willing to try any of their drinks, I definitely have a my couple go-to drinks. If this were on their menu permanently, it would not be a go to drink for me BUT – I am happy I tried it!
APPEARANCE: 10/10 – this drink is 100% Instagram worthy, pink, purple, blue, sparkly, and oh so magical!
TASTE: 4/10 – the unicorn frappe is definitely a huge hype, but it looks much better than it tastes. It’s really sweet, and after I drank about half I wasn’t sure if I could finish the rest!
Have you tried it?? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!
It tasted like a unicorn splooged in my mouth.
that sounds about right…. 😉
I saw this in line today! So pretty but idk if I can do all the cals. I bet Blaire likes it, ha!
xo, Steph
Haha right!! So many calories fat and sugar! And not worth it for the taste. BUT it’s definitely pretty to look at 🙂
I honestly ONLY want it so I can Instagram it HA!
Haha and it’s perfect for just that! 🙌🏽 I pretty much threw it away shortly after these photos.. lol
I want to try it so badly but I think I’m allergic to the mango in it but everything else sounds SO good (and sweet)! I can def see it being more instagramable than a drink you would get every day (if we even could)! Thanks for the review!!
Haha trust me you’re not missing much! 🙂 the mango is pretty bold so it’s not worth the risk of getting sick! 😘 🙂 xoxo