It’s that time of year again! The famous Nordstrom Anniversary Sale starts this month and I’m going to tell you why it’s such an important sale in the fashion industry and how to shop it to make sure you get what you want, in your size and color!
What is the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale?
The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale happens once a year in July. This is when Nordstrom gets their first huge shipment of fall and winter clothing – yes, you fall and winter clothing in July! The first year I ever shopped / heard of this sale I thought it was the weirdest thing, but quickly learned that its the BEST TIME OF YEAR to stock up on your fall basics and favorites. WHY? because of the prices. After the sale is over everything goes full price, and you’ll likely never see those prices again unless its out of season or very limited stock. THESE ARE THE BEST PRICES ON FALL CLOTHING/SHOES/HANDBAGS/ETC OF THE YEAR.
When is the Sale?
The Sale officially starts July 19th, and ends August 4th (prices go up August 5th). Unfortunately by the time the sale opens to the public – things are picked over, sizes aren’t available, and hot items are gone for good. HAVING A NORDSTROM CARD IS THE KEY. If you have either a Nordstrom credit card or a Nordstrom Debit card – you can start shopping on June 12th when the sale starts at 12:30pm ET. *Note the time is very different this year! It will be live in stores and online at this time.
I don’t have/want a card!
I totally get it!! Nobody wants another card, especially a credit card. But cardholders shop a full 7 days before everyone else…
The reason why I chose to get a Nordstrom card so many years ago was because of their debit card option. You are still opening an account with them, and will receive a card- but Nordstrom is one of the few stores that actually lets you tie your card to your checking account. So – I shop at Nordstrom with my card, and the money pulls from my checking account automatically so I’m never having to pay a bill or worry about a late fee. I get all the perks of Nordstrom card holders, including triple points day, early access to the sale, Nordstrom notes (basically free money when you get a certain amount of points) and so on! It’s also super easy for me to purchase anything or make any returns – as it’s all logged in one place. If you still don’t want a debit card – it’s something to consider for the purpose of this sale only. The prices are typically around 40% off their retail price and items (shoes, handbags, jewelry, clothing) it all FLIES OFF THE SHELVES. If you don’t have a card, you are going to miss out on a lot of good stuff.
How to I make sure I get what I want?
SHOP EARLY. Make sure you have a card. Make sure you set an alarm for the sale start or are able to go to a location. Personally – I prefer making my first purchase of the sale ONLINE. I actually close my eyes and basically get everything I want – just to make sure I get my hands on it, and make the return later. You can also order online and pick up in store, they make that super easy to do.
Ok so you can’t just get everything you want BUT I highly highly highly recommend that if you really like it and are considering it – BUY IT NOW. While it’s in stock, while they have in your size and your favorite color, because IT WILL BE GONE. They don’t restock things like they used to – if at all. Worst case – you just easily return in the store or by mail with a prepaid shipping label if you ordered online. Impulse buy – return later.
Last but not least – Support Your Favorite Bloggers
If you have a favorite blogger (hopefully that’s me if you’re reading this!) then please, support them, support me. Let me explain how you can do this.
If you’re favorite blogger is a friend or family member – ask them for a generic Nordstrom link. Anytime you shop from this link (not in the app, but on a web browser) the blogger will get commission from the store. This makes no difference to you, other than clicking from a simple link. Your prices won’t change, you won’t see anything any differently, but instead of Nordstrom getting 100% of your money, a small percentage of that will go to your favorite blogger who has likely worked very hard preparing for this sale. We love getting to try on clothes and find cute outfits for a living, but having your support means the world. We take a lot of time away from family finding great deals and fun trends for you- and then sharing it with you. That can include hours of online research, travel time to stores, trying on items in stores or purchasing and bringing home to try on for you, shooting photos, editing photos, creating content, writing blog posts, linking items, promoting those images and content to you via social media, blog posts, emails… etc. There is more behind the scenes work of a blogger than you will ever know – so this simple way of supporting them means so much.
If you don’t know your favorite blogger / bloggers, thats okay! We are all still happy to send you a link, and many of us try to make it very easy for you to shop if you see something you like. You can always try direct messaging for a link to something (however any link from that particular store will work and will get them that small percentage commission) or emailing, but most bloggers including myself typically link everything you see ON OUR BLOGS as well as in a free app called LiketoKnow.it.
My links will be on my blog but you can always find them on accordingtoblaire.com/shop-my-instagram. You go to that tab, see the photo with the item you like, it brings up every outfit detail for you – you just click and start shopping! If you download or have the LiketoKnow.it app – you just search for me, the influencer, @accordingtoblaire. You don’t have to sign up for emails (although you can). All you have to do is follow me and visit my profile there to see everything I’m wearing or have linked for you. For reference, its liketoknow.it/accordingtoblaire
No, we don’t get credit by you shopping in stores and dropping our names, but if that’s you’re preferred way to shop then no pressure. We do get credit however if you buy online with a link, and pick up in store.

We wouldn’t be here without the amazing support of our followers, and I truly am thankful for each one of you! I have had some really loyal followers for years, and I appreciate it more than you know! I love getting to know the new ones too – so if you ever need anything (shopping for a certain occasion, want to know the best strollers or carseats on the market, favorite places to eat or visit in Richmond – send me a message! <3
As always if you have any questions please reach out! I wanted to put this all here in one place for reference, to help you all get what you want from the sale. I’ve missed out on a ton of amazing things in the past, but I’ve never regretted buying it and returning it if I didn’t like it!
AS A THANK YOU TO YOU – I’ve teamed up with some amazing blogger friends to give away a Nordstrom gift card! I’ll leave the details on how to enter below! xo, Stefanie
Time to treat yourself to a Nordstrom shopping spree just in time for the Anniversary Sale!
I’ve teamed up with a group of bloggers to give one lucky winner
a chance to win a $600 Nordstrom Gift Card!
To enter: complete the steps in the rafflecopter below. The more steps you complete,
the more entries you receive, and the better your chance at winning!
This giveaway runs until Tuesday, July 16th at 12am PST
Winner will be announced here. Good Luck!
*this giveaway is in no way sponsored by Nordstrom.